Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's that feeling..again

This morning while I sat on my bed waiting for Subuh, I was thinking about what'd happened over the course of 3/4 month..which is not a lot.
Progress had been slow in terms of our move back to Malaysia. I attributed this to my reluctancy to move on and accept the fact that we are not going back to Ireland. Ever.
Some days I would imagine this all being a short 2weeks trip to home town and I should be busy packing for my flight back to Dublin soon. I am being silly and i realize that I have put myself in this limbo instead of fully immersing myself in this process of building a new chapter in Malaysia.
The phrase 'change is difficult' is undeniably right, enhanced by the fact that 50%of me don't really want to change.
I have to stop this soon, no matter how much I'm itching to book a flight back to Dublin.
I'll tell you the reason of this setback..A friend of mine is moving to the UK soon and I can't help but be jealous.
I know I shouldn't. Oh I hope work would start soon so that all this feeling would wash away..
For now, I'm going to stare at my little person's calm and ridiculously cute face (because every mum does it..watching your little one sleep).

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ignore this

I had nowhere else to release this fury I'm feeling now so here is where it's going to
Di bulan puasa ni I'm trying to be good and calm about these kind of things, but obviously I'm not as forgiving as I thought
The only words going through my head now is 'screw you!'.. And it is playing over and over again nonstop
..so I'm going to lie here on my bed until I feel sane enough to face another human being

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jom melillit!!

Gatal tangan pagi ni..mengodek-ngodek( is that even a word?) laptop ni..

Raya pon dah dekat kan? Banyak barang tak beli lagi ni. Baju raya x cukup lagi, kasut..dan yang paling penting-kain tudung..
Hijabis out there would understand how important kain tudung is..dah memang everyday staple kan. My opinion kan, you can get a glimpse of a person's personality by their tudung..
Orang yang pakai tudung kemas, pin sana-sini tu of course la bersih...
..yang pakai pelik2, belit sana-sini tu adventurous
..yang pakai kaler campur2 macam tudung paddlepop tu agaknya orang yang colorful life dier,happy go lucky gitu
..yang pakai tudung macam saya ni??
serabai jekk. Huhu..

Talking about tudungs ni reminds me of zaman kanak2 dan remaja dulu. Betapa 'jakun'nya saya dalam bertudung. Masa tadika,  ada la seorang mamat ni tarik my tudung sampai tercabut. Nangis macm tak hengat apa da daku..esok tu terus tak nak pegi tadika dah (ingat senang ke nak pakai tudung, ma saya je yang tau nak pakaikan tau!huhu)
Masuk sekolah rendah, the saga continues..apatah lagi muka ni diciptakan Ilahi bulat :)
Nak pakai kain tudung punya la susah. Masa tu tak der lagi tudung macam2  like sekarang ni..material dia kain licin tu. Punyer la susah nak lipat tudung, nak bagi 'muncung' kan..Tengok gambar zaman sekolah dulu, rasa malu dengan diri sendiri..bulatnye!!

Alhamdulillah, sekarang ni macam2 jenis tudung dah timbul. Tudung sekarang dah jadik fashion statement. Apatah lagi selepas melihat Yuna, Najwa Latiff menyanyi bertudung di kaca TV.. bergerombolan remaja dan makcik2 memborong tudung macam diaorang (tudung ala artist la katakan)
Sehinggakan aku nak beli pon out of stock jer (geram pon ader kadang2, nak menjual tapi barang asyik out of stock ajer..dah tahu benda tu mendapat sambutan, buat la banyak2. Ni promo je lebih..masuk magazine, masuk youtube, facebook, tv3, semua  jenis medialah..last2 time nak beli sold out..tak ON gitu dik...)

Anyway, nak cerita pasal tudung belit2 tu..sebab tadi duk tengok video tutorial melilit hijab di youtube..

Dahla, pening dah kepala den tengok diaorng ni melilit..

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What I wear

Finally, I get to take my 'baby' out!
Here's what I wore to dinner last night.
I opted for casual wear because it's much easier to chase Mia- chan round in jeans than the tradisional baju kurung.

Excuse my overfilled-wardrobe and the jammies hanging on the door.

In my defense, this polka-dot top is a size to big ( despite the obvious:()

I paired it with a RM16 tudung bought recently from Zaleha Textile in Pasir Puteh.

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