Sunday, February 27, 2011

it's Sunday again


*i only get to wear this outfit for 10minutes before mia-chan peed all over me*

it's been a mad week..

LOTS to do, so little time

and mia-chan is being ever so challenging...acting like she's my boss and demanding all sorts-cuddling, breastfeed, playing and at times just wanting me to be next to her while she does her stuff ie rolling around and making weird noises

one time, she even woke up at 3am to PLAY

so not COOL

and if she didn't get what she wants...

i want mummy!

she cries like a nice la being a baby

BTW, had a 25%off sale and free shipping on FRiday!

so i HAD to fork out the money i don't have and spend..

i bought 3 tudungs (i originally wanted 4, but somebody else snapped the last one  :(  )..good tudungs are very hard to come by, and if u're living abroad..they are just impossible to find

so had to get them (LOTS of them) before i go

MR Postman, please hurry :)

mia-chan had been jolly good playing by herself while i write this post...and now she has come to claim her reward..

au revoir!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

flu bug

need. more. tissues

i'm catching on mia-chan's flu

now, we both are sneezing and coughing

happy days ahead...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day 7

i miss hubby so much...

so serabut at home doing and thinking a whole lot of different things

(u know how bad i am at multi-tasking)

and i think mia-chan misses u too...

over the last 7 days, she had managed to get sick, learn to throw tantrums and spend too little time sleeping

i have so many things (from tiny to huge) to share with...can't do it with anybody else but u

sleeping remedy

so i just HAD to talk about my baby...

it's close to 7pm and she just went off to sleep

mia-chan didn't sleep for the whole day!...which means mummy can't play2 and do her own stuff (OK. lie. i've just went out to get KFC)

here's a list of what we had gone through today:

  1. bottlefeed  x5  (mummy prepared milk 5x, mia-chan drink x1)
  2. sleep in cradle x10 (mummy put her in cradle x10, mia-chan slept x0)
  3. change clothes x5
  4. eat nestum she's just 3mnths..but she's not sleeping and kept sucking her fingers and toes..she must be hungry. errr..NO. 
  5. playtime-all day...

so i ended up cuddling her in the bedroom with no sound and light as a last resort

if there are mothers who force-feed their babies, this one is going to force-sleep hers

*mia-chan woke up at exactly 7.20pm. that's it!  i give up! will leave it up to God...



please enrol me in SlimWorld this instant!

the headline news for today is...i'm FAT!

that was me yesterday, before heading to MIL's house (2nd time driving..hehe)

and guess what i did on returning home...

eat KFC

what. a .genius.

and guess what i did just moments ago?

eat KFC...again!

somebody drag me to the gym pretty please...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

love fest


something is definitely wrong with me today

so i was on the net, doing my own stuff bla,bla and stumbled into this:


so u say, that's not new...Glee has been on TV for ages now (exaggerating..but it's on for a while ok)

check this out:
Glee version of Marry you by Bruno Mars

*can't be bothered to post up signal is so freakin slow

anyway, i was literally jumping up and down on my bed..marry me?...I DO! I DO!I DO!

although, technically speaking cannot la...because i'm already married (with a kid)

here's another one:
Glee version of Lucky by Colbie Cailat

too CUTE for words!

wish my love story is as breath-taking as this..but i will spare u guys details (for now) because it's rather BORING! some of u might fell off your chairs sleeping

come to think of it...everything about my marriage was speeded up so fast i can't remember falling in love

saw each a bit...went on a date exactly 3 times(i'm not KIDDING!) to Ireland...and a year later-Mia-chan!

we didn't even get to go on a honeymoon yet (too late now)

my instict told me that this is my mate and there will be no one else besides him...i think it's MAGIC sometimes- i was never so sure in my life

after marriage, i was even more dull..

no more korean dramas, hindi movies nor googling super hot singers and moviestars...

but today, i was so giddy!! was moving and shaking my butt around (other people may call it dancing) in my room while listening to these songs...

hmm..the feeling was rather nice. here's a promise to do a marathon on love stories someday. why not eh?.i'm not going to be an AHJUMMA at such an early age

Ok. here's my cue...mia-chan's crying again...

*which reminds me...Mujse Dosti Karoge is on TV3 this Saturday..let's watch!

Monday, February 21, 2011


i had a dream again...

this time, it's Mulberry...even its name sounds delicious...YUM

this is not my first dream of Mulberry. in fact, i've been mulling over them bags for ages now

my affection started when they introduced the Bayswater line

it's dead PERFECT...has everything i look for in a bag


they are doing different colours and variations on it now...check out London Fashion Week collections on i'm a sucker for the original (as always)

the Bayswater is making  my eyes watery...

why am i yet an owner of one?...too expensive maa (especially for a British designer)...

BUT, a dream should not just be a dream...

watch this space

driving around town

it's a good day today...

in fact, it's a GREAT day!

reason: i've been let out

OK. so it's actually for a serious business...i was visiting MIL (mother in law) who recently is not well (but she's slowly getting better, thank God)

best part was..i'm back driving again!

spotted: me in pasir puteh driving dad's filthy car
baju kurung moden (pinjam my sister's)

this is exaggerating... but i almost feel YOUNG again... left mia-chan in mum's care and off i go!

i was only doing max 60km/h...better safe than sorry right?...anyway, that's not bad for someone who didn't drive (at all!) for nearly a year eh?

other cars were honking behind me  (where are your manners Malaysians?) but i 'tak ambil pusing' because as far as i remember 'slow driving' is not a crime...yet :)

also managed to make a few stop at shops and fill in tank (it's always empty whenever my turn to drive)

Yes people! better believe it...i SUCCESSFULLY fill in petrol!!!....OK. so it's not self-service...but i managed to open the 'petrol door' and ask the salesgirl to fill in my tank-that's being INDEPENDANT in my book

when u don't get to get out often...speaking to strangers is an achievement. SAD isn't it when the only people i see and speak to everyday are my family...i will have to say thank you to the INTERNET here-you were created at the right time! i can ramble and rant without losing my sanity...

me pretending to drive

after business is over, went to pick the kids up at school. It was super busy; cars, taxis, 4-wheels, buses everywhere...but thanks to my excellent driving, the kids reached home alright (later than usual... but safe)

by the way, the kids went to my old school (nearly all of us went to the same school...its tradition...some of kak irah's teachers still remember me..don't know why...i wasn't even famous back then)


so much have changed since i've been here.. never thought the future would have turned up  this way. (i was pretty CLUELESS back then...OK. still am )

syauqi getting angry because kak irah was late coming out of class

kak irah: like i care syauqi!

i still remember the feeling getting back from EXCITED!..even more exciting than getting duit raya
...but i don't think kak irah feels the same

ever so slowly walking towards the car

P/S: those two are clearly not my kids (thank God)..can easily become deaf from listening them two bickering every day

Sunday, February 20, 2011

life is dull

life is dull...

i am DULL

nothing is happening around here (except for people getting sick-mia-chan, MIL...and that's not fun) excitement...nothing to look forward too

feel like going on a break (even though i am on one)

right now i am a bird in a cage, a lion in a Zoo, a man chained to a wall...

no social life, no friends, no getting out ( i should be lucky if allowed in a car)

maternity leave is ending soon :(

this supposedly long holiday is a once in a life time thingy ( mia-chan is not getting a sister/brother in the near future) i BAD for thinking that i am wasting it away?

OK. So blame myself because i am no longer a singleton...also blame myself because i don't appreciate what i already have


Blame me because i can't keep my mouth shut...blame me because i just HAVE to tell the world about anything and everything

Blame me for making people feel bad

Blame me because i just don't UNDERSTAND enough

i AM self-centered, superficial and childish...

well, can't help it...i was born that way...don't think i can CHANGE too much of me ( i AM trying though)

Forget it. It's late. Besides, I just need to RANT ( no action @sympathy needed thank you)...also, this blog is i'll say what i want lah...

will dream being on a deserted island with no people to tip-toe around their feelings, plenty of sunshine and of course...lots and lots of seafoods...YUM..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

a sick child

God..i'm sick with worry

mia-chan is still not getting better

i know it's a typical flu-blocked nose, coughing and temperatures...but when it happens to your own child, its becomes a LOT worse

it's 3am-and i found her in this position:

i hate blocked nose

 she was coughing so bad and sneezing...lying this way must be the only comfortable position

today, she had vomited 3 times(all her feeds had come back-up) and had to endure numerous meds (imagine how hard it is to feed meds to a baby)

it's the third day today and no sign of getting better...

the worse part is when she cries in her sleep(she only does that when not well)..that totally gets me

get a good rest mia-chan

after an hour and a half of coughing, sneezing and crying (plus2 sets of meds), she finally went back to sleep

still, i can't force my eyes shut.... kept checking on her every few seconds...

my poor baby...


Friday, February 18, 2011

breakfast in KL

i'm a complete  'jakun' when it comes to KL

to me, being in KL equals to going overseas...everything is different in KL!!...the people (lots of non-Malaysians-very rare in my state), the language (even little kids speak english), the shopping complexes (too many! we only have KB Mall here), the roads (again, too many) and of course..LRTs and those thingies that KL people ride to get to work

hubby said can 'jual' me in KL and i wouldn't be able to find my way home

no point in asking me where these places are:

selayang? -   KL

gombak? -  KL

shah alam? -  KL

yes, anywhere close to KL... is KL...hehe

the best place in KL?...had to be SOGO..why? because that's where mum use to bring us during holiday in KL as kids

it's been ages since i've been there though, the last time would've been before i went abroad to study (which is about 8 years ago)

right. it is SAD

so imagine how excited i was to breakfast in KL


ok. this has to be said-breakfast was actually in Seri Gombak which is NOT KL which i now know

where we went for breakfast

breakfast in KL staple: nasi lemak

kak yani and roti canais


my breakfast

nasi beriyani for breakfast?

looking fat and wearing:

After breakfast, i decided that a capati is simply not enough for me... so, drove around and found stalls selling nasi lemak, nasi and mee goreng. YUM...

still hungry..

is it just me or nasi lemak in KL is different from nasi lemak in Kelantan?...anyway, piling on the calories is great FUN. here's a promise not eat double breakfast again (until next trip to KL anyway)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

post pregnancy jeans

those who had been pregnant would understand this too well  (except if u are blessed with high metabolism that allows u to eat like a horse and never gained any kilos

it's been more than 3 months now, but  i couldn't seem to shift those pregnancy weight away

after 'pantang' and u're allowed to travel and eat those lovely and oh ever-so tasty foods, it's time to look for a new pair of JEANS...because admit it, there's no way u're going to fit into your 'anak dara' jeans again

during my last trip to KL, decided that it's time...

face REALITY and admit...I'M FAT!!

mum's such a SWEETHEART

she offered to walk me through this difficult time (other words-she will buy it for me..just provide the money)

mum: what size should i buy?

me: errr...i used to wear 26 

mum: (looking at me head to toe)...definitely not a 27

me: *like being hit by a poisonous dart*
        that bad?

so, she ended up buying me a 28 (OK. please don't try this at your own jeans instead of guessing your size and asking people to buy it for u. jeans have different sometimes a 26 will fit on u, other times u will look like a 'balut nangka')

*balut nangka- abah's fav term meaning too tight@sexy@don't u ever wear it in front of me

so i've been forced to accept that i am now a 28

wait...will 28 even fit me?


OK. it does.

that's right...

i should be thankful that i'm 28, not 30.32 or 34

so much dilemma after having a kid

look at how much us girls has to go through...

this reminds me when i was adamant that i would never get with a boy? NOO way..boys are DIRTY and RUDE. i will stay at home with mum and abah, that way i would never have to worry about cooking, working or ironing clothes


i supposed that kind of thinking got lost somewhere as i grew older

coolfever anyone?

it's a bad morning

mia-chan is not well...

i'm sick
must've been all that travelling and not sleeping enough

that's why mummy wants u to SLEEP ok?

nevertheless, she stills smile and wanting to play

babies are TOUGH and STRONG

mummy should LEARN from u

now pleaseee go to SLEEP...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

what's in my bag?

when u have a small kid, it is IMPOSSIBLE to travel light

this HUGE sack is what i've been carrying around these days

gift from hubby-Tivoli GM

hubby promised me an LV if i passed my exam...i also promised not to buy another bag till next year (of course i just said that so he would buy me one)

i was also pregnant that time..he was afraid that i 'mengidam' LV, so had to get me one before i popped
(thank u mia-chan)

i used to hate big bags...the bigger the bag, the higher your risk of  fracturing your shoulder

but with all the stuffs i NEED to carry, huge pun huge laa...

inside picture

only little space for my stuffs, the rest is for mia-chan's

it's hard being a woman

things i carry:
1. wallet
2. make-up bag
3. diapers
4. small towel
5. extra clothes for mia-chan
6. wet tissues
7. minyak yu-yi cap limau

in my make-up bag:
1. silkygirl blusher
2. silkygirl eyeliner
3.bioessence cleanser, clarifying softener, daycream & nightcream
4. smashbox o-glow cheekcolour
5. YSL toucheclat
6. estee lauder foundation
7.estee lauder face powder
8. clinique lipgloss
9. tommy tippee nailclipper (mia-chan's)

so different when it's empty

my fav part of Tivoli

i'm longing for a small bag again...felt like moving house everytime i carry Tivoli

it's BEAUTIFUL all right; but my shoulders are getting really tired and sore carrying it

...time for another bag?

baby LoVe

Louis Vuitton Heart Pouch Coeur PM

i think i'm in LoVe..

so i don't celebrate Valentine..doesn't mean i shouldn't get one

can buy it for hari raya, birthday, hari guru...any day at all

or u can give it to me because i'm simply a GORGEOUS person who deserved a GORGEOUS gift!!

not enough sleep mia-chan

i'm convinced.

my baby sleeps less than any baby in the world

today alone, she sleeps less than half an hour in total from morning

missing one mitten and cannot sleep
INSOMNIA at such an early age? not possible

i don't believe the term sleeps like a baby anymore...not when my baby sleeps less than me

mia-chan's supposed to have her shots today (2nd dose of Hep B)..

GUESS WHAT?..she's not going


why? because mummy says so


so shots are important for your immunity and all, but mummy can't bear to see u cry  TODAY

so let's go next week ok?

i think she agrees with me..


she finally dozed off.. watching mummy blogging musn't have been that fun after all

or maybe she understands that mummy has LOTS to do-studying, blogging, praying, eating..all have to be done before mia-chan's awake

OK..i'm gonna set my clock (to see how long she sleeps this time)


mia chan's AWAKE

so refreshed after one minute of sleep(and missing one booty)

mummy's having second thought about that shot now...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

big send-off

took so long to post up this event

reason is, can't find my camera and had to borrow my sister's instead

turns out it was in my bag all along...OK, i blame myself for putting stuffs 'merata-rata'-so hubby please don't nag if u're reading this

i should tell u how i nearly missed saying goodbye to kak dia...

because she has too much stuffs to bring-one HUGE suitcase and 2 bags (plus we are too many people for a CITRA)..had to use 2 cars

kak dia also had to arrive early to the airport for a briefing (she is travelling with a group of students, so a lot of time and headaches involved before can board all of them on to the plane)

because i'm going with a small child, had to wait for the later trip-car driven by my BIL(bro-in-law)

however, turns out he can't get off early from the time we are all ready to head to KLIA, received a call from dad saying kak dia had to enter gate in less than an hours time

we were all like 'WHAATT???'  (distance from house to KLIA is about an hour journey AT LEAST)

so BIL drove like a mad man, doing like hundreds of km per hour..OMG i never knew cars can be driven that fast, felt like being in a bullet train almost(not that i've riden one)

mum was also close to tears..saying she should've taken the earlier trip

long story short..we made it just in time (thanks to your SUPERB driving BIL..although will never get in your car again if we are ever in a hurry).. flight got delayed and we were allowed half an hours time to say our good-byes

we were all smiles in the beginning

making jokes and teasing each other..

kak dia with kak irah

favourite pose..peace!

kak dia with kak yani

kak dia and the crews

family picture

abah and kak dia

but things slowly turned SAD...

abah and kak dia (now crying)
crying and hugging adik

mum and kak dia (both crying)

goodbye kak dia!
kak dia is the one still looking SAD :(
i'm wearing:
bag-Louis Vuitton Tivoli GM

mia-chan's wearing:
skirt&legging-NEXT kids

kak yani's wearing:

mia-chan-nano-seconds before she cried (i know u hated the new pram)

Goodbyes aren't easy..especially if that person is someone whom u love dearly and they are going to a far far away place

Airports are full of people saying goodbyes everyday..which is why i hate the place

We didn't stay long after kak dia left..

also because mia-chan was already crying at this time

I'm also dreading the thoughts of us leaving Malaysia (soon as maternity leaves end, maybe earlier as am taking exam early April)...the saying of there's no place like HOME is dead right. There simply isn't one.

OK. Now u can ask why i still left Malaysia..because i just had too. between home and ambition, i choose the latter

I need to be home being a SOMEBODY-too much effort and tears had gone to this path i've chosen, so cannot stop halfway (trying to convince oneself here)

Trust me, once i'm done trying or better still, once i achieved what i aimed for...will be on the first flight back home