Sunday, June 19, 2011

us yesterday

weird smile, aint it?

yesterday was the farewell dinner party of our friend Izwan who is going back home to Malaysia in a few days time.. (for good)

when u are foreigners living in a country far from home, friendship is PRECIOUS

friends are indeed FAMILY

and we are blessed that we have friends that proved time and time again that they will stick by us through thick and thin

each year, at least one of us will leave Ireland, and i have to say although i am sad, i can't help it but be jealous..

someday, i want to have my own farewell dinner party too (hear that guys? and i want CAKE as well as pressies. haha)

several things had happened recently which makes me believe that the day is getting close


life is indeed a wonder

one time u are planning this and that..and sure enough all that can go 'kapoff' in a matter of seconds

i was on the phone with mum the other day.. her words are sticking to my head since

'Remember Allah..sometimes it's too easy to get distracted, so don't forget your prayers and 'doa' a lot'


only when u have problems will u sat on the praying mat and 'doa' with tears running down your kain telekung


OK. Off topic already

Here are some pics from last night

(don't be fooled by the was close to 10 pm yesterday.. i love summer!)

behind us was the bridge that was supposed to look like a 'Harp'. I don't see it, do u?

family picture

with Izwan and family


Mia don't tolerate dinner that lasts more than an hour. this is how she is afterwards

The place we went to was "Swai'..a Riverview Malaysian Restaurant (that's what the banner said anyway)...

I'm wearing:
Top-OASIS (bought on sale. yes, it's summer sale already!)
Bag-Speedy with mia-chan's Barney as a bag-charm
Shoes-i know u can't see them, but i got them for 9.50 euros, so cheap!

Time for Food pics...because what else would you do on a dinner date? Take pictures of the foods and TAG your friends on Facebook laa!

Nasi Lemak with Beef Rendang and Seafood Sambal


'Dancing' Nasi Goreng...don't ask me where the dancing came from

next to the Nasi Lemak is Butterfly Jumbo Prawn...GORGEOUS!!


I'm hungry.

Speaking of which..

I Made BROWNIES (in case u miss that.hehe) earlier, maybe it's time to try some (well, it's actually my 4th time running downstairs and sneaking them up)

Homemade brownies...BIG MISTAKE!

Only make them if u intend to add a few kilos...


Last words...Goodbye Izwan and family. We will meet up again for dinner soon i hope (in Malaysia!). Safe trip guys..

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