Thursday, November 15, 2012

ANgry Birds

It is absolutely undeniable that mia-chan is addicted to Angry Birds..everything has to have Angry Bird picture on it-her tops, her jammies, her nappy bag..EVERYTHING!
This obsession with the hideous-looking birdy character started when she found the game on my Iphone. She started 'playing' with it since 1 and a half years old.
Since then, we couldn't pass any shops selling Angry Birds stuff without stopping. And man, they really work   up that stuff good. From Angry Birds balloons to headbands, those people really knew how to sell.
 Kids loved it!...and Parents hated it!

There's no escaping the Angry Birds phenomenon for us parents. It has joined the league of Barbie Princess,
Ben 10, Spiderman and Upin & Ipin (all them had done severe damages to our pockets)
Because I LOVE my kid so much, I have no choice but to embrace this little creature to my livingroom, bedroom, etc. So when I found this website  that sells Angry Birds jammies, I have to add it to my favourite sites.
It sells cute baby/toddlers clothes at great prices and I have to say that I'm hooked. Will start shopping once hubs give me the green light (nah..will start shopping right away!)
Do check it out, because it is not just about Angry Birds, it's selling GAP, traditional baby kurungs-super CUTE  and plenty of accesories for our little munchkins!

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