Saturday, July 9, 2011


guess what? never been there before. heard stories, but never was tempted to book a flight and visit.

until i found out about this...


it's filled with outlet stores from various designers ie GUCCI, PRADA, BURBERRY, FENDI, etc. seriously, u can get really good bargains here.. some of them are 50% off their original price. why oh why is it not in Ireland? if so, i will go everyday la

would u believe it?their 2-storey parking is full, we were lucky we arrived midday, so still some spaces left.

it's summer and also the school holiday, so i can't blame them.

The Village opening hours...and what's great, no dogs allowed. although i can't imagine why would u bring one shopping with u

the shops are individuals and are in these cute houses. (almost like visiting your friends houses during raya)

Jimmy Choo. OK. Went in for half a second and quickly retreat..EXPENSIVE! Plus their bags are not my taste. Macam Mak Datin punyer stail (sorry Jimmy!)

GUCCI. I thought i would go crazy inside their store, but strangely NO. A lot of people were though..macam kat pasar malam pulak aku nengok.Not much choice, possibly because the good ones were snapped already. People were picking up stuffs like they were in 1 pound shop. Hello, that bag u're holding is thousands of Ringgits, at least pretend to think before handing over your credit card.

This one, i like. Kudos to PRADA. Good bargain here. BUT, i nearly bought a bag with pig skin lining inside..not cool. Luckily one of the sales girl was nice enough to point that out to me. Nasib baik x pegang, if not kat mana lah nak cari tanah nak samak kat sini

All in all, i'm HAPPY. Didn't get a lot of goodies, but the ones that i caught that day was well worth the flight ticket to Birmingham.

and Big Thank You to mia-chan who let mummy shop to her heart's content..she was truly exhausted by the time we reach the hotel. You can borrow mummy punyer bags when u reach 18 ok?

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