Saturday, August 27, 2011

Little Einstein


mummy is sad but is trying so hard to hide it

my little munchkin has to wear glasses!


she's just a baby..she can't even walk yet. it's so ridiculous..babies don't wear glasses right?

until i found this website

and it makes me more depressed and angry. angry because i can't do anything about it. and depressed because we have to put mia-chan through all this. it's just so NOT FAIR!

she's just 9 (months, not years!) will she play and throw things around with the enormous thing on her face?

hubby brought mia-chan to an opthalmologist on Friday and i couldn't go because of work (makes me hate work even more. seriously thinking of career change, am not kiddin'!)

what he told me afterwards was a jumble of words i don't think even he understands, except that out little baby has to wear glasses all through her young years

i'm going to have to pick up mia-chan's new glasses next week and am not looking forward to it

but, i'm trying to keep my mind open (maybe she will like it? maybe mummy is overreacting a little bit?)

so i'm saying to steps Liyana, baby steps..

we'll just have to take it one day at a time

1 comment:

  1. Mummy.. redha jek lah.. ini kan semua ketentuan Allah. Ini lah antara ujian dari Allah buat kita. kita harus tabah dan bersabar menghadapi nyer. Semestinya ada hikmah disebalik apa yang berlaku.. Kita patut bersyukur, ade lagi org lain yang diuji dengan ujian yang lebey dasyat..
    Kita as a parent will do the best for our kid. Hope Mia pakai spec only for short time...

    Ape2pon jangan sesekali kita mengeluh/menyesali setiap ujian yang diberikan oleh Nya.

    Insyallah.. everything will be fine.
