Saturday, October 15, 2011


to be brutally honest, i hate shopping

i can't believe i ever have to say that

in my college days, even window shopping would make me grin from ear to ear..and shopping days did not come that often in those days, maybe once a month if you're lucky (my scholarship is so ciput, and i have to save for my annual flight ticket back home)

and now, when i have a little bit of the luxury that i've always dreamt of, i can't even bring myself to the shops


because i'm always in a hurry..there are so many things in my mind that i cannot concentrate-need to finish my studies, need to go defrost the chicken so that can make dinner, need to prepare my oncall bag, the sound of mia-chan screaming in the background while i'm trying to find my shoe size

it is practically impossible to shop in leisure

and us woman need that right? we need to savour and enjoy shopping-it is a therapy, it is a hobby, it is so much more that men cannot understand

today however, i decided to go out and force myself to town (well, actually i was returning something that i should have never bought..wait for next post. hehe)

and while passing through Grafton Street, i suddenly felt the urge to shop again (the last time i went on a shopping spree was during Summer Sale, nearly 6 months ago)

and look at what i got

a simple shirt, but i love the black and cream colour contrast

a cream blazer that can be used on multiple occasions

and this cardigan is so pretty!

a pair of trousers for work

and of course, have to buy something for miss mia-chan-a dress!

i got all of these in H&M! That's it! H&M is my new favourite shop. i've never shopped in H&M..never known that they have plenty of kawaii stuffs (and most importantly, at a wallet-friendly price)

next, i went to a few other shops, but did not see much of what i like, but managed to grab these..

i'm obsessed with ballet pumps nowadays..dirt cheap and so comfy

this NEXT is so smart i think, bought it for the 12-18months old (mummy always pesan, if buying baby's clothing make sure go up one or two sizes because they grow up so fast)

Definitely not going shopping for the next few weeks..but can't say that i'm dissapointed in my 'catch' today. they are all classic pieces that i think i'll wear till they are worn out.

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