Monday, June 20, 2011

what u do on a day off

i suspect we don't have many day offs anymore

my theory is that people in the 70s and 80s get more holidays than us...that's why they are more groovy and happy-looking

u could argue that depends on what kind of career choice u went to

but from observing facebook statuses, we are stressed-out kinds

work gets our highest attentions..

doctors vent about their patients anthics and the long-Q waiting to be seen in clinics

office workers would go about datelines and meetings or conferences

teachers?..they are actually busy..marking exam papers, organizing Parent Teachers Association meetings, school trips, etc

makes me think..what job is laid back and plenty of day offs?

perhaps none of them are

so when u are off...turn off your Iphones and stop checking your emails!!

At Starbucks

so i don't get great 2 weeks back-packing to Botswana or skiing on the Alps or a romantic getaway to Venice..

plus, beaches are too cold here and going picnic-ing is a gamble (always bring your umbrella regardless of the weather forecast)

Mia and Caramel Frappucino

the first time i arrived in Dublin, i see nothing but people with shopping bags...weekends or not, going shopping is always the thing to do

but u can't follow everything these people do...

u not only lose yourself, u also lose your money

that said, what i do on weekends is i go to the malls

..window shop for half and hour, and then coffee

and then head home to sleep!


i'm easily contented. hehehe

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