Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Luahan seorang penganggur

How do you measure success?
Is it by your job? Your status? Your wealth? Your children?
Is it enough by having a husband and a beautiful child by your side? To have a secure and fascinating career? To be blessed with wonderful health and spirit?
I don't think you can measure success that way. To compare me with someone else's achievement is plain WRONG.
Each and everyone of us is different. I have to admit, I'm not easily contented with life. One minute I'm happy and a few seconds later, I can be really sour. Sometimes I feel things could've been better or I am not achieving enough.
I have figured out why. It is because I have sheltered myself from the sufferings and turmoils of other people's life. It is everyday's news-loved ones lost in accidents@ fire, children taken away from their parents, misfortunes and the list goes on.
I Am thinking and acting selflessly because I fail to see beyond myself.
I have to re-program my brain and see the world in a different view.
So, today despite being out of job and money, I am thankful because I could've been in a way worse state than I am now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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