Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grand Lexis

If there is one thing I'm good at, it would be spending off money. That is why dear husband always pesan letak sikit jer duit dalam wallet because they would be gone in no time. In those Dublin times, dengan kewujudan direct debit and credit card, lagi parah lah my habit ni.

Being jobless made me more careful and timid in going to malls and places. I miss having a fixed income and what's more, bonuses from the extra calls that I forced myself to do every month. You have to work hard to reap the benefits right? Hard to imagine how I'd became so lazy and unconditioned in the last 6 months. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody...besides gaining extra fat here and everywhere,
the sense of boredom is unbearable.

Husband was just back from his month-old away job, so I of course have to find ways to spend money and at the same time, get rid of this boring-ness. I thought of going away somewhere out of country, but with no word from SPA and KKM about the upcoming job, I decided holiday at home it is.

After reading blog2 orang2 yang tak dikenali, I stumbled upon this...


Hmm...menarik dan tertarik kan?

katil king size ni untuk bilik Deluxe Pool 

yang paling best... ada private pool!!!

yang ni bilik Executive ie lagi mahal punyer, tapi saja nak tunjuk underwater glass panel-boleh nampak laut kat bawah tuu

Harga boleh tahan..dalam RM700 per night, yang paling murah Deluxe room la. Lepas tu ada choices of Garden and Water Villas.

Dah cerita banyak2 ni, sebenarnya kome tak pergi lagi. Hahaha

These pictures are from their website jer. Undecided lagi whether nak pergi ke tidak. Biasalah, kita yang merancang Tuhan menentukan. Sapa2 yang nak pergi tu bolehlah..nanti bagitau best ke tak OK?

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