Wednesday, February 16, 2011

not enough sleep mia-chan

i'm convinced.

my baby sleeps less than any baby in the world

today alone, she sleeps less than half an hour in total from morning

missing one mitten and cannot sleep
INSOMNIA at such an early age? not possible

i don't believe the term sleeps like a baby anymore...not when my baby sleeps less than me

mia-chan's supposed to have her shots today (2nd dose of Hep B)..

GUESS WHAT?..she's not going


why? because mummy says so


so shots are important for your immunity and all, but mummy can't bear to see u cry  TODAY

so let's go next week ok?

i think she agrees with me..


she finally dozed off.. watching mummy blogging musn't have been that fun after all

or maybe she understands that mummy has LOTS to do-studying, blogging, praying, eating..all have to be done before mia-chan's awake

OK..i'm gonna set my clock (to see how long she sleeps this time)


mia chan's AWAKE

so refreshed after one minute of sleep(and missing one booty)

mummy's having second thought about that shot now...

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